My Child Is Overweight: Can You Help?

My Child Is Overweight: Can You Help?

About 1 in 6 children and adolescents in the United States is overweight. Even so, weight gain in children is a complex process and has various contributing factors, including genetics, activity levels, and diet. 

Seeing your child struggle with their weight can be concerning, but there are many ways to help them develop healthier habits.

EatWellGuru has offices in Sterling, Alexandria, Vienna, and Annandale, Virginia, and we regularly partner with children and teens to provide supportive, non-judgmental care.

Registered dietitian, nutritionist, and board-certified obesity and weight management specialist Maryam Dadkhah, PhD, RDN, CPT, and our team love helping children and teens reach better health through improved nutrition. 

Here, we explain some of the things that contribute to childhood weight gain and how we address them.

Understanding childhood weight gain

Weight-related issues are increasingly a concern for many parents. In fact, millions of children and teens are considered overweight or obese. Although many people attribute this increase to too many video games and too little exercise, the reality is more complex. 

Several factors that contribute to childhood obesity include:

Your child’s genetics and environment also play a role. Research shows that if a child has one obese parent, they have a 50% chance of becoming obese themselves

Despite these factors, proper guidance and education can help your child adopt healthier habits and improve their well-being.

When to seek professional guidance

One of the best ways to encourage these habits is to consult a qualified weight management specialist, like Dr. Dadkhah. This is especially important if your child or teen exhibits certain symptoms, such as snoring, extreme thirst, or difficulty breathing during exercise.

Even if your child’s symptoms are mild, an exam is crucial, as they may point to an undiagnosed medical condition, such as diabetes or obstructive sleep apnea. Research shows that childhood obesity often worsens without treatment. Addressing the issue promptly is an effective way to improve your child’s quality of life.

Healthy approaches to support your child

We take a supportive, non-judgmental approach to weight loss at EatWellGuru. Rather than promoting a quick fix, we work with children, teens, and their families to establish healthy practices that last a lifetime. Our approach is personalized to each child and could include:

Often, these approaches help kids and teens lose weight safely and effectively. However, if your child has a medical condition like diabetes that affects their metabolism, prescription medication may also be necessary.

We provide ongoing monitoring through regular checkups and adjust your child’s care plan as needed.

We can help your child maintain a healthy weight

If you’re concerned about your child’s weight, don’t hesitate to partner with our caring team. We understand that your child’s self-esteem is just as important as the number on a scale. That’s why we offer dedicated, compassionate assistance.

Schedule a weight management consultation today to learn more about how we can help. Call the nearest EatWellGuru office, or request an appointment using our online booking feature. We’re excited to support you and your family.

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